Using Statcounter

Zone in on the important sessions to watch with filters

Watching the full spectrum of visits to different pages on your website with Session Replay can give you great insights and alert you to issues that may not be apparent in your stats.

However, having picked the low hanging fruit and made the most obvious improvements to your website, moving forward you may wish to be more selective about the sessions you watch. If you have even a moderate volume of website traffic, watching all of your sessions on Session Replay can be quite time consuming. That's where Statcounter's filters can save you time.

Filters let you view a report with all the unwanted sessions 'filtered out'. For example, if you wanted to focus solely on sessions from your Irish visitors, selecting the Country filter and then selecting Ireland from the dropdown list will refresh your report and hide any sessions that originated outside Ireland. You now have a much more manageable list of sessions to examine.

Adding a Filter

In Visitor Activity, select the Filters button and then select More Filters to expand the entire list of filters. Select the Country filter button and choose your desired country from the dropdown list or begin typing the country into the input field. if you want to combine filters, for example visitors from Ireland on mobile devices, you can combine multiple filters. To remove a filter, select the red trash can icon to the right.

There are many types of filters related to location, browser, search engine, traffic source, device type and more that can help you zone in on a particular type of session. Let's look at some of the filters available in Statcounter and example uses in the context of making a Session Replay viewing shortlist.

Page Filter

The Page filter displays all sessions that included a particular page on your website. This can be useful for seeing how your visitors navigated to an important goal page such as your checkout page or a confirmation page and if there were any obstacles they faced on the way.

This filter is also useful for focusing on the user experience of a single page. For example, watch sessions of your contact page or newsletter subscription page to see why your visitors are abandoning your forms, or a PPC landing page to see why visitors aren't converting.

Paid Traffic Filter

If you're paying for traffic via Google Ads, Bing Ads or any of the PPC networks, optimizing the user experience of your website to ensure the highest conversion rate is essential to getting a return on your investment.

The Paid Traffic filter shows you only sessions that resulted from a paid traffic click. Additionally, Session Replay is an invaluable tool to monitor for click fraud, helping you differentiate between genuine visitors, click bots and fraudsters.

Country Filter

The Country filter can be used to filter out sessions from countries that are irrelevant to your business, or conversely, to examine visitor behaviour and interests from potential new markets.

Platform Filter

The Platform filter lets you focus on desktop, mobile or tablet visitors so you can ensure your responsive website is optimized for each type of device.

Pageviews Per Session Filter

This filter can display all sessions with a single page view to examine why these visitors bounced, or alternatively only display sessions with a certain number of page views, to see how your more engaged visitors are navigating your website.

Happy Filtering!

This filter can display all sessions with a single page view to examine why these visitors bounced, or alternatively only display sessions with a certain number of page views, to see how your more engaged visitors are navigating your website.This filter can display all sessions with a single page view to examine why these visitors bounced, or alternatively only display sessions with a certain number of page views, to see how your more engaged visitors are navigating your website.

Just to add, it's also important to occasionally open the floodgates and watch random unfiltered sessions. This more passive way of using Session Replay reveals the unexpected issues that arise in the dark corners of your website that may not have previously been on your radar.

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