
Default Installation Guide

Installing Statcounter involves pasting a small snippet of code into every HTML page of your website, just before the closing tag. If your website runs on a web platform such as Wordpress or Tumblr, please see our Platform Installation Guides for over 70 popular platforms.

  1. Sign Up for an Account

    These instructions will be repeated within Statcounter after you've created an account and added your first project.

    Sign UpAlready a Member? Log In
  2. Copy the Statcounter Code

    During the sign-up process, you'll be presented with the Statcounter code for your first project. Copy the code — Ctrl + C on PC or Command + C on Mac.

  3. Access Your Website Code

    Open the HTML code for your website. Typically you would do this by downloading the relevant HTML files using a FTP program. You'll need FTP login details to gain access, which you can obtain from your hosting provider or Server Administrator.

  4. Paste the Statcounter Code

    Paste your Statcounter code directly before the closing tag at the bottom of the file — Ctrl + V on PC or Command + V on Mac.

      <!-- StatCounter Code -->
      <script type=”text/javascript”>

    You'll need to make sure the Statcounter code appears on all pages of your website. If your site uses a template or include file, you may only need to paste it into a single file. Otherwise, you may need to paste it into every page on your site.

Using a website platform or CMS?

See our installation guides for over 70 popular platforms, including...

  • Tumblr
  • Blogger
  • WordPress
  • Squarespace
  • Dreamweaver
  • Google Sites
    Google Sites
  • Weebly
  • Wix
  • Joomla
  • GoDaddy
  • Drupal
  • Shopify
| Default Installation Guide | Installing Statcounter involves pasting a small snippet of code into every HTML page of your website, just before the closing tag. If your website runs on a web platform such as Wordpress or Tumblr, please see our Platform Installation Guides for over 70 popular platforms.
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